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Methodology 2

This week I began gathering the material I would need to perform the second phase of the experiment. I had to order different cicada wings online, yes eBay has real cicada wings and dried lotus leaves. I carefully planned out the next two weeks in order to finish all procedures with time to add to my written documentation and analyze more data. The fixing protocol is completely new to me however I have confidence in my advisor as well as my mentors Ms.Decloux and Isaac Macwan. I am also a little nervous about the serial dilution. This is a tedious process that will require a lot of extra lab time and careful calculations. I decided to continue this project even after capstone was over. I already have the framwork for a working experimental design and adding these new procedures will only support my conclusions and make the study more credible. In reality I am doing this process to improve my research as well as expose myself to new methods, equipment, and experiences.

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